Universal Carpet & Rugs Presents

Universal Carpet & Rugs Presents

Established since year 2000 and traversing down an exciting and dynamic path with a youthful Universal, a fulfilling sense of a modest achievement permeates us.

Universal has now shaped itself to be a robust company with loyal and satisfied customers including chain stores of international repute spanning in countries from USA to Australia, Ecuador to Japan, South Africa to Sweden.

With more than 27 countries in our exports map, we have prominent domestic presence as well. We have successfully rooted ourselves as reputed, reliable and probably world’s largest manufacturers in our category.

From 2 to 27 countries over 21 years, is a milestone which at Universal, we cherish and work to consolidate and ever expand.

The other landmark marketing achievements have been :

1. Certified ISO 9001:2015 QMS since January 2004.

2. Winners of 2008 Primaniyarta Exports Award from Government Of Indonesia felicitated by President Of The Republic Of Indonesia.

3. Have been permanent exhibitors since 2003 at world’s premier annual floor covering show ‘MESSE DOMOTEX’ at Hannover, Germany.

4. Participated at DOMOTEX-CHINAFLOOR 2011.

5. HALAL certified since 2021.